‘Rule Book’ of The Retinue of his Grace the Duke of Buckingham
1 The Committee
1.1 The secretary shall take minutes of all meetings. Minutes shall be kept for a period of at least two years. In addition, the committee shall inform all members of its decisions by means of a regular newsletter.
1.2 The secretary shall maintain a list of all non-guest members of the group.
1.3 The treasurer shall maintain an inventory of equipment owned or retained by the group, indicating the ownership of the equipment and where it is stored.
1.4 The group shall undertake to exercise reasonable care of any equipment retained by the group which belongs to a member. However, the group does not accept liability for such equipment. In particular, except where the owner of the equipment has been informed in writing to the contrary, insurance for any equipment held in the care of the group or on behalf of a member of the group shall be the responsibility of the owner of the equipment.
2 Events
2.1 Only members may attend events.
2.2 Details of events, including scenarios, location etc, will be communicated to members in writing. The committee shall attempt to provide such details at least 2 weeks prior to the event.
2.3 The group shall organise events for the benefit of all members. All full members of the group shall be invited to all events organised in the name of the group.
2.4 The committee may accept invitations by other societies for the group to attend events organised in the name of another society. Such events should include an invitation to all members of the group.
2.5 The group shall undertake to abide by the rules of the organising society at events at which they are not the organisers. This does not remove the requirement to abide by the rules of the group. Where it is impossible to abide by the rules of both groups, for example if they contain contradictory instructions, then members of the group may not participate in any activity covered by that section of the rules. If in the opinion of the committee this leaves insufficient allowable activities, then they should not accept the invitation, or withdraw the acceptance as soon as they become aware of the contradiction.
2.6 Where an event has a restriction upon the number of attendees or is limited to specific skills of the attendees (e.g. members willing to participate in combat) then all members should be notified of this at the same time that they are told of the event, or as soon as possible thereafter. If attendance is limited then attendees should be selected at the discretion of the committee from those meeting the criteria of the invitation. The committee shall maintain records of the criteria for selection.
2.7 The committee are encouraged to invite other groups to attend the group’s events where it would be appropriate, but only where such groups agree to abide by the rules of the group.
2.8 The committee shall request members to identify the roles they wish to undertake at events. The committee shall attempt to give members an opportunity to undertake their preferred role during at least one event, dependent upon the number and type of events attended by the member.
2.9 The committee shall inform members of the intended course of the event. This may be modified as necessary. All attending members shall undertake to support the performance to the best of their ability.
2.10 The minimum age for attendance at an event shall be 18 years unless sponsored by an existing member meeting this requirement. The sponsor should have the approval of the legal parent or guardian. The sponsor shall accept full responsibility for the individual or individuals that they have sponsored. Sponsorship does not remove the need for attendees at an event to have a valid membership.
2.11 At each event all members shall respect the aims of authenticity whilst performing to the public.
2.11.1 The authenticity officer shall produce guidelines of styles and materials which are appropriate for the clothes and equipment in common use. Members wishing to go outside these guidelines must obtain the agreement of the authenticity officer for each event.
2.12 Women members who satisfy the safety requirements and wish to do so may participate in battle events if either:
a) it is historically appropriate, e.g. in a defensive position at a siege;
b) they are sufficiently well cross-dressed that, in the opinion of the authenticity officer, they could pass as male at a distance of 10 feet, and the battle is a large-scale one in which members are expected to remain at least this far from the crowd.
In the latter case, they must change to and from male garb immediately before and after the battle.
2.13 Some activities will be restricted to certain classes of members, such as those over the age of 16.
3 Safety
3.1 The safety officer shall produce guidelines for safe conduct of events. These shall be based on assessment of the risks associated with the various activities carried out at events. Members shall adhere to all safety guidelines.
3.2 The safety officer or a deputy safety officer shall attend all events. They will be obeyed in all matters relating to the safe conduct of the group at an event.
3.3 It is the responsibility of all members to communicate to the safety officer any activity that contravenes the safety guidelines, or may itself be dangerous.
3.4 Re-enactment combat is a voluntary activity. No member shall be obliged to participate, nor shall any member be placed under pressure to volunteer.
3.5 All members who participate in combat do so under the understanding that despite the efforts to make it as safe as possible, risks of injury remain. Participating members accept these risks.
3. It shall be the responsibility of the weapons training officer to oversee the safety of weapon combat and issue/withdraw safety certificates for the use of weapons on the battlefield to members who they believe hold a sufficient competence.
3.7 It shall be the responsibility of the ordinance safety officer to oversee the safety of all matters covering pyrotechnics or explosives (e.g. guns and cannon) and the issue/withdrawal of safety certificates.
3.8 All members wishing to fight must hold a current safety certificate for the weapon they wish to use on the battlefield.
3.9 The medical officer shall ensure a sufficient number of first aiders attend events and maintain a database of medical forms.
4 Finances
4.1 The first call on funds received by the group shall be covering the expenses associated with the running of events. This includes the cost of transporting equipment, consumables used during the show, and food.
4.2 Payment may be made, at the discretion of the committee, to other societies or professionals invited to attend in support of the group.
4.3 Legitimate expenses incurred in pursuit of the interests of the group will be reimbursed at the discretion of the committee. Under normal circumstances the committee will authorise such expenditures in advance thereby guaranteeing payment up to the agreed amount (such expenditures may include travelling associated with negotiations with customers etc).
4.4 All claims for expenses should be directed to the treasurer, or in their absence to either the chair or the secretary.
4.5 Surplus capital will be invested in the acquisition, replacement, repair and maintenance of equipment and materials.
4.6 The committee shall ensure that the group has appropriate public liability insurance for its members.