Making The First Cut

Lay your material out on a flat surface, pin your pattern to the material and then carefully cut around your pattern (make sure you have left a seam allowance on your pattern). Always cut with sharp scissors, preferably with material scissors as they are much better. It will reduce fraying, give your garment pieces a crisper edge and be easier to cut.
When I bought my first piece of material, I got a real bargain and I bought way too much – 8m for a dress! (You normally need 3-4m). I kept looking at it and panicking about cutting into it and messing it up. I found that material so intimidating due to the possibility of my wrecking it, I wasted months not cutting into it. I eventually decided that the material was wasted anyway by me not using it, so I began cutting. The dress was my first adult experience at sewing, pattern making and medieval dress; it was not brilliant but it was a start!